Okay so I know I’m late to the Saga series hype but after being introduced to the illustrated novel following a young and mismatched family trying to find their place in the universe I was hooked. Immediately purchased the nine volume box set (same day). You can find it on Amazon. Brian K. Vaughan’s story telling and Fiona Staples’ illustrations are breathtaking.
I honestly will note that this is both a review and a discussion of my thoughts on this! There will most likely be spoilers, especially if you haven’t decided to read the series yet so read at your own risk!
Let’s Talk Characters:
When it comes to the characters we’ve interacted with this far, I have strong feelings one way or another. I either really love them or cannot stand them. I’m going to rank them from most to least favorite. I do want to note that I won’t be including Slave girl/Sophie, Hazel or The Brand in this list. I don’t think we’ve seen enough of their actual character yet for me to be able to rank them fairly.
- Lying cat – Who doesn’t love an alien version of a sphinx? She’s huge for crying out loud AND detects lies, it truly doesn’t get much better than this. Add in a strict moral code, understanding when she’s wrong and fiercely loyal. She has my whole heart.
- Alana – A bibliophile, do I have to say more? She’s kickass and doesn’t hesitate to do what she needs to protect her family. A dreamer, a go getter, and a woman whose in touch with her feelings.
- The Will – A freelancer with a greyish moral code. I honestly just love how much of a smart ass he can be. Not unnecessarily reckless but takes calculated risks. Definitely a monster but the lesser of two evils. Currently out of commission.
- Izabel – Wise beyond her years but what else can you expect from a ghost girl. Though she’s incorporeal she’s a great edition to the family. Informative, visually manipulative and I just like the color pink.
- Marko – An optimist. A pacifist. Sometimes I wish he’d be quicker to defend those he loves. Honestly he’s a perfect fit for rash Alana, so not too many complaints. Fantastic father figure and husband.
- D. Oswald Heist – The man that started it all. The author of ‘A Nightime Smoke’. I honestly just love the idea of a dark-skinned cyclops that writes about romance. I also laughed when he vomited on Hazel. I too wish to live in a lighthouse, away from everyone and everything. I wanted to get to know him more, dang.
- Barr – Definitely the more understanding of Marko’s parents. Immediate acceptance of Hazel and didn’t shy away from Alana. Was extremely kind and thoughtful for the small chunk of time we got to have him around. I want a father-in-law that can make me combat appropriate clothes. (RIP)
- Klara – I love a strong female character, especially one that looks after her family. She’d honestly be ranked higher if she didn’t remind me of my mother (not a bad thing, just too many similarities). Cunning, slow to warm up but unwaveringly loyal once she does.
- Upsher + Doff – Just two gay journalists trying to make it big; on a story that could get them killed. Not 100% sure how I feel about them presently.
- Gwendolyn – I love her design. She’s gorgeous but looks don’t mean shit when you’re emotionally unstable. While I understand heartbreak, her rash decisions making put two of my favorite characters in danger. Also how you going to slap The Will for kissing you but then claim you love him a few pages later? Girl bye.
- The Stalk – Her character design is cool, which is saying a lot since spiders scare me. Her relationship with The Will also mystified me a little. How did that work??? Her death was sad and everything started to fall apart because of it. I wasn’t sad.
- Prince Robot IV – I can understand PTSD and the trauma he must have endured being on the front lines BUT that doesn’t change the air of entitlement. He’s rash. Something about him and his people just rub me the wrong way.
What I love/What I hate:
I have to admit, the world building is spectacular and I’ve only just began. An entire galaxy with a million different possibilities, alien types and environments is enough to make me want to read this alone; the family aspect and love between two waring factions just adds a layer of intrigue to me. Very Romeo and Juliet but not so stupid. Of all the atrocities going on, love being the worst is funny to me considering bone bugs and a porn displaying Prince Robot. Guess it’s all about perspective. Going back to the topic of alien environments, I thought the incorporating heroine as a parasite that infects a host through food was genius. So far every beautiful place has had horrifying environmental components.
I think the draw to this is the real world applications of it for me. Generational wars over physical/cultural differences (landfill vs wreaths), emotional struggles, sweet moments, and constantly facing bigger and meaner “monsters” makes this relatable. There’s grief and heartache wherever you turn, think about Slave girl/Sophie and about what happened to D. Oswald Heist. Nothing sadder than an underaged girl being forced into prostitution against her will (hello modern day parallels with all the missing girls and women from around the world) or a man losing the love of his life through civilian casualties of war. Yet the sweet candid moments help: new life, family, connection and like-minded ideals. Its a beautiful blend that leaves you feeling bitter-sweet and wanting more. I also love how this series touches on PTSD, abandonment, prisoners of war and all the gross affects war has on people, community and ideals.
When it comes to war, nothing is off the table. This series makes sure to make a statement about this. Add strong emotions and it’s a messy Molotov cocktail ready to explode in anyone’s hands. No one is safe in this series (except maybe the parents and narrator Hazel) but I like the element of suspense that adds.
The only thing I’m not the biggest fan of is the lack of background for some of my favorite characters. Yes we get snippets here and there but I want to know more! I do realize I’m only three volumes in but this is truly the only negative I have. I can’t complain about the characters because they’re flushed out; we learn enough about the key players to form opinions, attachments, revulsions and admiration where it’s applicable. Even the characters I dislike, I can understand what (mostly) drives them to act the way the do. Still doesn’t excuse their behavior though.
I’m excited to see where Saga takes me and will be excited to update after I finish volume six!